December Update (2017)


There is snow in the forecast and for us, it makes the season Merry and Bright!

We have our stockings hung and the Christmas tree decorated.  Cookie baking will begin and packages will be wrapped . . . and our newsletter comes with all our wishes for many blessings this holiday season for you and yours!

We have had another “fun-filled” year.  More projects were completed – a new roof over the back walkway that was overdue for replacement; interior painting of the motel rooms 8 and 9; some updated furniture as well here and there including comfy wing-back chairs in some of the rooms.  We hope you like the updates.

We look forward to seeing you all in the coming year and getting our annual updates.  As we head into the holidays, we hope that you are filled with the love of the season.  May there truly be Peace in your lives and ours.

With fond and warm regards,

Kim, Jeff and Alexis