2020 Summer Update


To Our Friends...

We wanted to reach out and let you know how we are doing and that we are still here!

It’s been a surreal time for all of us and we are sure it’s been the same for you.  We have been closed to the public since March 15th.  On March 18th, Alexis began “attending” school remotely and on March 24th, the State of Vermont shut everything down and required everyone to work remotely as much as possible. Kim continued to go into the town office to keep things running there, Alexis reveled in being home all the time, and Jeff spent his time getting caught up on bookwork in the office.  

Looking back, it’s been the first time we couldn’t rent rooms in over 50 years – 40 years in the Seymour/Nunnikhoven family.  No guests for Palm Sunday, Holy Week, Quilter’s Retreats, and now, Memorial Day.  The Vermont Country Store closed in late March but expects to reopen this week. The Weston Theatre Company canceled its summer season but may have some limited shows in late summer.  The Weston Priory is closed to visitors for the foreseeable future so the Brothers can stay healthy, too.  Indeed, it’s all surreal! 

We are allowed to rent rooms, but only to Vermonters or those from other states that have had a 14-day quarantine here in Vermont – so really, mostly to Vermonters with a call to make a reservation so we can ask you about your recent travel, etc.  We aren’t sure when the state will lift the 14-day quarantine requirement.  It’s possible that it will be by June 15th, but with limitations on how we operate.  We will keep you posted.


On the positive side, we have enjoyed our family time and we are so grateful to have had a few months of just “Kim, Jeff and Alexis”.  Something that never happens for weeks, let alone months.  Jeff started baking bread to donate to our local food pantry and the clients of our community nurse.  Alexis has learned how to bake bread and helps, too.  Every other week, Jeff fires up his BBQ and sells it to-go on those Saturdays.  It’s his social time with friends and neighbors who come to pick up and he gets rave reviews on his BBQ!!  Kim has been working on making new drapes for the dining room and had forgotten how much work that was to do!  She has moved her sewing into the dining room for the “elbow room” and it will be hard to move her back out!

We had a busy year in 2019.  Wonderful AMC weekends in the winter and early summer, quilter’s retreats in the spring and fall, lots of inn-to-inn walking tours, and so many return visits from our regulars.  We look forward to those busy days again and soon, we hope, when we can do so safely!  Jeff had a full knee replacement in December that went extremely well.  He was thrilled the first time he could walk up the inn stairs without pain!  We quietly celebrated our 25th wedding anniversary on September 17th.  Looking back, we were amazed that time had flown by so “quickly”!  Alexis got her driving permit in late September and she was giddy!  It’s hard to believe we have a nearly 16-year old daughter, entering her junior year of high school in the fall, and having serious conversations about college searches.  One guest said of the high school years “they were long days, but fast years” and nothing could be truer!  She was supposed to take Driver’s Ed this summer, but we are still waiting to hear how that will be handled.

Betty and John continue with their Prison Ministry, mostly “virtually” for now and are staying at home and healthy.  We occasionally see them while maintaining our “social distance” and we are looking for creative ways to have a family dinner this coming weekend! 

On a sad note, our Golden Retriever, Duke was seriously ill in the spring of 2019.  We thought we had nursed him through it, but by late August, his kidneys were failing seriously.  On September 3rd we had to make the decision to let him go and it truly broke our hearts.  He was only 5-years old, and while he was a major challenge as a puppy, he had finally morphed into a fabulous adult dog.  We miss his antics - stealing mittens and cookies, being a total nut, his snuggles, and his expressive face.  Mostly we miss how he made us laugh!


We lasted a couple of months before we seriously started searching for a Golden to adopt as the Seymour’s were all in agreement – “no more puppies!”.  We found a 7-year old cream-colored Golden named Chappy through Memphis Area Golden Retriever Rescue in Memphis, TN.  On January 11th, we picked him up from the transport and he is just about the most perfect dog for us and an inn – he doesn’t bark, he doesn’t beg for or steal food, he doesn’t get up on the furniture or jump on people.  Best of all, Chappy is a total lovebug and he will happily, and quietly, greet you when you come to visit.   He is the most mellow dog we have ever had and he really just likes to chillax!  He and Phin get along fine and we are now back to being a house of “ones” – one dog, one cat, one child, one house, one spouse!  Oh, and one inn!

We know that we still have many unanswered questions about how we will operate and when we will open completely.  However it plays out, we look forward to being your hosts and to welcoming you back to The Colonial House.  We may be withholding hugs and handshakes in our new “normal”, but we will heartily and happily open our doors as soon as we can do so!  Until then, we are sending you “virtual” greetings and hugs, praying for your good health and that of your family.  We know, that with time, this too shall pass.

With fond and warm regards,
Kim, Jeff, and Alexis Seymour, Innkeepers
Betty and John Nunnikhoven, Innkeepers Emeritus
